enjoy dating success with beautiful girl like this

Renegade Dating: The Main Factor That Is Harming Your Dating Success Right Now

One of the main emotions that men have to deal with in picking up women is resentment. This is more pernicious than it might sound.

The book Alcoholics Anonymous states that ‘resentment is the number one offender. It destroys more alcoholics than anything else.’

The idea is that if someone annoys you and you allow them to ‘live rent free in your head,’ and you are a drinker, it will be enough to make you pick up the bottle once more.

Now, not everyone is an alcoholic. But many of us have experienced bitchy blow-outs or rejections from girls that are enough to send us running to the bar.

Only the other night I approached who cut me short mid-sentence with a single word:


She then turned away and continued talking to her friend.


Even though this was after a successful night of approaches, and even though I currently have three other girls waiting in the wings, and most importantly, even though I know that my approach was sub-par (it was late in the night, I was tired, yada yada yada ) the memory of the blow-out still rankles.

Rejection is an inevitable part of the dating process. Even the best-looking, more eligible guy will get turned down from time-to-time—it’s a fact of life. And not every girl feels obligated to be charming when she says no. So how do you get over the irritating paper-cut feeling that this can produce?

The answer is simple and it’s based on ancient wisdom: in order to get over resentment, you simply have to forgive.

That’s right—forgive.

Because when someone treats you badly in any way, it is almost always because they are suffering from some kind of spiritual or emotional pain themselves.

Have you noticed how when you are in a good mood you treat everyone kindly and politely, and when you’re down you tend to snap? Well, it’s the same for girls. So when that bitchy chick at the bar laughs off your approach, simply realise that she is simply acting that way because she too has been hurt. Because somewhere down the line, things didn’t go well for her either.

And then smile and move on.

It is only forgives that protects you from the pain of resentment.

So learn to let resentment go.

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Plus, if you would like to learn how you can escape the matrix and live the renegade playboy life by building your own personal brand business online, go here. 

About troyfrancispua

Troy is a game veteran of a decade's standing, and a lover of women, literature, travel and freedom. Follow him on Twitter here.

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