every single day

5 Things You Should Do Every Single Day To Feel Great

Here are five things that I do every day that improve the quality of my life immeasurably. If you’re not doing these yourself then I recommend that you try them out starting today.



Above every other form of media you must read. What I really mean is books—you must read several pages from a good book everyday. It doesn’t matter if it’s fiction or nonfiction as long as the writing is of a high quality.

I have read for my entire life and it has developed every part of my persona from my inner views to the way I interact with others. Essential.

2. Walk


I don’t drive (I live in central London so I don’t have to). Instead I walk everywhere, sometimes many miles a day. So should you too. Not only is walking great exercise, it’s also a great way to think. Some of my best ideas come to me when I’m walking and not thinking of anything in particular.

3. Write


I have written something every day for as long as I can remember. Whether it’s a blog, a diary, a novel, a play or a treatise it doesn’t matter. Sitting down at the desk to write is for me a form of meditation, a way to calm down and organise my thoughts. It is also an art, one of my life’s greatest pleasures, and one of the hardest things to perfect. Above all though, it keeps your mind active and razor sharp. If you’re not writing already then try it for a month and see how you get on.

4. Pray & Meditate


I’m not religious, in fact I’m agnostic, but I still pray and meditate every day. Sounds hokey? Well I’ll take that because it works. Every morning I ask a higher power to direct my thoughts and actions in the right direction. Then I take five minutes to sit quietly and meditate by staring at the wall and clearing my mind.

Don’t ask me why doing these things helps me but it does. It’s a bit like resetting the compass on your phone. If every morning I can ensure I’m headed in the right direction I operate a lot more effectively in the world.

5. Say Affirmations


This is another one that sounds hokey, but my God does it work. I have to credit Mike Cernovich and his excellent book Gorilla Mindset for getting me onto affirmations. I started doing them probably ten months ago and it’s been a daily practice of mine since. The effects have been extraordinary. My confidence has felt sky high as a result and I’m slowly reshaping my brain by, instead of telling myself garbage about how crap I am, telling myself how awesome I am instead. Seriouslyreading powerful stuff.

I hope this brief list has inspired you to try some of these things for yourself. I’m keen to know how you get on so please do leave a comment below telling us, or letting us know the daily habits that you swear by.

To find out how to pull hot girls day or night buy my book The 7 Laws of Seduction

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