3 Ways Sexual Frustration Can Help Your Game 

Sexual frustration is real and it’s a problem. A guy who hasn’t been laid for a few weeks or even months is really going to feel the pressure. Sex, after all, is a basic human need: arguably this is doubly the case for men, what with their higher testosterone and bio-evolutionary programming. Fortunately, sexual frustration can also act as a spur that actually improves your game. Here are 3 reasons why.

1. Sexual Frustration Forces You to Take Action


First, and most importantly, sexual frustration makes it necessary for you to take action. When you are in the full flush of abundance, with a lot of girls on the go, there really is very little need to approach the whole time.

I make a point of advising men to chat up girls as much as possible, but even I’ve fallen into the no man’s land of comfort you get with a few on the go, when the thought trying to generate even more leads really isn’t that appealing.

But the difficulty with this approach is that once the plates you are spinning start to dwindle, with one or more girls falling out of your rotation, if you’re not careful you can end up with nothing but the Sahara of a long dry spell to look forward to.

For this reason, sexual frustration can prove a useful tool that galvanises you into action, forcing you to get up off the sofa, go out and actually talk to some women.

2. Sexual Frustration Makes You Acutely Aware of Bangable Girls


Now, I don’t for one minute want to sound here like I’m suggesting you drop your standards, but . . .

Look, here’s the deal. If you’re used to banging 8s on a regular basis then you may not look twice at that 7 you pass in the local convenience store every day. But if she was naked on your bed all of a sudden, would you have sex with her?

I think we all know the answer to that question.

Being mega horny as a result of sexual frustration will encourage you to spot those sexual opportunities you might otherwise have missed. And you never know—that mousy girl with the glasses from the local library might just turn out to be a tigress when you get her into bed.

3. Sexual Frustration Injects Urgency Into Your Game


Finally, sexual frustration also lends your game a very useful dose of urgency.

When man have an abundance of women (or money, if you apply the same principle to a business situation) they can have a tendency to get lazy. OK, so you might still be approaching. But if you don’t really NEED those approaches to go well then how invested are you really in what you are doing.


Now, a word of caution—desperation is not pretty and it’s certainly not attractive to women, so you must ensure that you keep things in check. But a real vested interest in the outcome of your sets with girls will enhance your focus and determination and can yield great results.

So remember guys, if you’re feeling frustrated right now don’t resist it—celebrate instead. Get out there and use your new found focus and determination to achieve fantastic things instead.

To find out how you can eliminate sexual frustration for good buy my book 7 Laws of Seduction here and follow me on Twitter 

Read More: The Number One Mistake You Must Avoid Making In Your Game 

About troyfrancispua

Troy is a game veteran of a decade's standing, and a lover of women, literature, travel and freedom. Follow him on Twitter here.